Just Add Milk Productions CIO Safeguarding

  1. Commitment to Safety: Our creative arts charity is fully committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all individuals, regardless of their age, who engage with our programs, workshops, and events. Safety is our top priority.

  2. Designated Safeguarding Officer: We have appointed a designated safeguarding officer who is responsible for overseeing all safeguarding matters, staying updated on relevant laws and regulations, and ensuring that the policy is effectively implemented.

  3. Clear Code of Conduct: We maintain a clear and comprehensive code of conduct for all staff members, volunteers, participants, and visitors. This code outlines expected behaviours and interactions that promote respect, professionalism, and a positive atmosphere.

  4. Recruitment: All individuals working or volunteering with our charity, especially those in direct contact with minors or vulnerable adults, are required to have references checks and an up-to-date enhanced DBS check.

  5. Age-Appropriate Activities: Activities are carefully designed to be age-appropriate and respectful of the developmental stages and sensitivities of the participants.

  6. Informed Consent: Prior to participation, participants (or their guardians) are provided with clear information about the nature of the activities, the roles of staff and volunteers, and the expectations for behaviour. This ensures informed consent and open communication.

  7. Supervision and Ratios: Adequate supervision ratios are maintained to always ensure the safety and security of participants. Participants are never left unattended, and appropriate supervision levels are determined based on the age and needs of the participants.

  8. Reporting Mechanisms: We have established clear and confidential procedures for reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents. All staff, volunteers, participants, and visitors are encouraged to report any suspicious or concerning behaviour to the designated safeguarding officers (Kristian Wall and/or Jessica Hills).

  9. Collaboration with Authorities: In cases where there is reasonable cause to suspect abuse or harm, we are committed to cooperating fully with relevant authorities, such as child protection services or law enforcement, to ensure the safety and well-being of the individuals involved.

  10. Regular Review and Improvement: Our safeguarding policy is subject to regular review to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Feedback from participants, staff, volunteers, and stakeholders is considered, and improvements are made as necessary to maintain a safe and inclusive environment.